Useful links
There is lots of information available online - here are some useful resources
Dr Sara Wickham
Dr Sara Wickham PhD, RM, MA, PGCert, BA(Hons) is a midwife, speaker, bestselling author and researcher who works independently. Sara is the Director of the Birth Information Project. She divides her working time between speaking, writing, facilitating online courses, creating resources and undertaking a wide variety of consultancy projects and advisory activities.
Abuela Doulas
Choosing a doula is a very personal thing. Your birthkeeper will walk alongside you as you welcome new life into your home. They bring the wisdom of the Abuelas with them. Here are some wonderful Abuela Doulas to choose from.
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
NICE's role is to improve outcomes for people using the NHS and other public health and social care services. Provide a range of information services for commissioners, practitioners and managers across health and social care.
Billings LIFE
Billings LIFE in Australia provides clinical instruction to women and couples in the Billings Ovulation Method of natural fertility management. We will provide you with evidence-based educational resources to help you use the Billings Ovulation Method to achieve or avoid pregnancy naturally, and to safeguard your reproductive health at all stages of your reproductive life.